27 May 2010

I had the pleasure recently of joining Kat, PJ and their friends and family in Leicestershire for their beautiful church and marquee wedding. The sun shone all day for us which, let’s face it, is a rarity and so the mood of the day was all set ! We started at Kat’s home where she and her bridesmaids were getting pampered and having a lot of fun … of course, champagne helps at this time of day. The newest addition to the family (and the reason the original wedding date was moved) joined us for a couple of photos with Auntie Kat … bless.

The church was absolutely jam packed with guests … it is supposed to hold around 100 people and we managed to cram around 130 in there … it was tight ! Both Kat and PJ were nervous about being centre of attention but they soon settled in with a few laughs and a lot of love flowing through the ceremony.

Their huge marquee was nestled in the grounds of Kat’s mum and dad’s home, with guests filling every inch … it was a magical affair with fairy lights, a bear theme, a pond and chandeliers. Oh, and of course, lots of fun and laughter, followed by a romantic first dance.

A few favourites from the day …

Leicestershire Wedding Photography

25 May 2010

Most of you will remember my friend and oft-time assistant / second shooter, Paul Glavin … he and his wife Cassandra are expecting their first child in July and were headed to the baby show at the NEC this weekend. It made sense to add in a stopover at Chez Taylor rather than have a pregant woman sit in the car for that length of time in one day ! We had a real laugh, watched a good movie (ok, I fell asleep midway !) and on Sunday morning I convinced Cas that she really should have a shoot to record her time with Doodle (don’t ask) before he or she comes along in a few short weeks. As you can see from the booties, they are mad fans of Winnie the Pooh (as am I) so it was fun incorporating him into the shoot … and so, a few from the session …

Stafford Maternity Photography

24 May 2010

I got a message on my Facebook a few months ago from a very excited ex-bride, Amy, to tell me she was pregnant and wanting to record the occasion in photos … we scheduled the shoot for around the 7 month mark and soon it was time for Amy to come round for her session. To be honest, she is pretty neat at this stage and so we had to push out the bump for some of the shots LOL … she looks fantastic and has such a lovely glow … shouldn’t every pregnant woman? The one downside (according to Amy) is that her hair has gone completely straight … I am a little jealous, though, as I have to straighten mine!

A selection from the shoot …

Looking forward to baby coming along so we can do our Year In The Life sessions !

Staffordshire Maternity Photography

19 May 2010

Yvonne and I have been trying to arrange their engagement shoot for months! Well, with Yvonne living in Scotland and David currently living in Dubai, this was never going to be easy!!! David is a pilot (back off girls, he’s taken LOL) in the middle east and so it is a real challenge for them in many ways, including planning a July wedding in England. We finally got a spare date in our diaries when David was going to be in the country and so I travelled up to the North East to meet with them.

We had a really fun shoot (surprising what with Yvonne’s hangover from the night before haha) and the weather was really kind to us. I met up with fellow photographer and friend, James Burns, who assisted and shot a couple of frames as well.

And so, a few from the shoot … really looking forward to the wedding in a few short weeks.

3 May 2010

John and I have been thinking for a while about adding to our menagerie of pets … we have 2 7-year-old cats (brothers), Tom and Tig and of course Tess, our almost-2-year-old beagle. So we started looking around at puppies over the last week or so. To be perfectly honest, I just couldn’t see myself going through the pain of training a tiny wee thing again (we got Tess at 7 weeks and man it was tough going !) and, rather selfishly, having just redecorated the conservatory where we live in summer, I just couldn’t be bothered with another ruined carpet LOL. I also wanted to see if there was something a little older who needed a good home (puppies sell quickly, older dogs not so much).

So we widened the net a little bit and found a 4-month-old tri-colour beagle not far from us in Coventry (about an hour away). She looked so similar to Tess in many ways and the cuteness oozed through at us. Her owners had a change of circumstances which meant she would be alone all day, not idea for such a boisterous breed. After an initial couple of phone calls, we headed off, with Tess along for the ride, to see her on Saturday.

We were hooked ! She is the most adorable little thing and Tess took to her immediately. Of course, since coming back with us there have been many tussles over who is “the boss” but I think that will settle down … ok, I am PRAYING that will settle down.

And so here she is … our adorable new puppy called Millie … go on, you know you want to … everybody say awwwwwwwwwww …

All images Copyright 2025 Gill Taylor Photographer ... please don’t steal them, it’s not nice !