Regardless of the fact that I feel a little bit older with every passing year (sigh) I really do love New Year … it’s a wonderful opportunity to start fresh, to dream of something new, to take on new challenges and, for me, to meet with super people.
So what does the year ahead hold for me … the plans so far …
I’m shooting yet more totally cool people in some truly great locations … just a note that I am actually taking on fewer bookings this year, so get in quick if you want me !
Next weekend I get to hang out with some of my lovely photographer friends from all over the UK and beyond, at the SWPP convention in London. Some I’ve not had the chance to meet before (facebook and twitter have been the only opportunity so far) and some I’ve known for a long time, but rarely get to meet up with. As this is also a trade convention, it affords me the opportunity to meet with my current suppliers and to look around at any new products I may want to take on board.
In February I get to do it all again, but a little closer to home, at the largest trade show in Europe, Focus on Imaging at the NEC. I try very hard to leave my purse at home for this one, as the temptation to buy new stuff is usually very very strong !
Also in February, I am running my first ever workflow workshop aimed at professional photographers … the details are here … there is already a really cool bunch of photographers booked on and it looks to be an intensive, but fun, couple of days. Having been a former trainer (IT last time) I am so looking forward to getting back into teaching mode. I have some cool models lined up and am so excited about shooting in and around London, my favourite city in the world !
On the Saturday following the first workshop I am shooting another photographer and her husband, again in London, no pressure ! I also have a little secret project happening that day, but you will have to wait for details … I’m such a tease, I know ! LOL
Throughout the year, I am offering intensive 1-2-1 training … clicky here … interested in getting a kick? Ping me !
I got a guitar for Christmas and I intend to be on stage at Wembley by November at the latest. I’m happy to be a support act, you understand … just sayin.
I’m looking at a new gorgeous album product, details coming soon … did I say gorgeous ???
I added some new content and pages to the blog … ok so that’s not a to-do, it’s a done deal, but I’ve never actuallly explained the menus … I have added an “Info” section which contains pricing, some faq’s, a little bit about me and some testimonials … the “For Photographers” section has details of upciming workshops and 1-2-1- sessions, along with all my featured articles … and that’s about it !
So, here’s to a fun, exciting 2011 for us all … if I’m shooting your wedding, I can’t wait to work with you … if you’re coming to pick my brain at any point, I am really looking forward to helping you!
OK, so this is a photo blog, right? Well, here’s a favourite from one of the last weddings on 2010, it kinda sums up what I love the most about my job … enjoy!

UK Photographer
Beautiful work as always Gill, especially considering you had 2 broken ribs – that’s incredible! I love the shot of Susan & Tarv kissing with the distant horizon in the background, fantastic shot 🙂
Very beautiful and brave bride! Love the sexy lingerie shot! 😉
Gill! You did such an amazing job! I love so many of the photos, but that putting-on-the-kilt one is just to die for. I am also crazy about the bride’s uber-cool shoes. So fun. Great job!!! You do a better job injured than most people do healthy. 🙂
Lovely! Love the kilt shots!