Well, I finally made it onto a list !  OK, so I don’t actually try to do this but hey, someone liked my tweets, and my blog, enough to list me in the Top 100 Blogs for Wedding Suppliers in the UK !  Cool, or what !

The list is topped off by the 3 wedding super-bloggers, hardly surprising!!  There is a mix of all sorts of wedding suppliers and little old me came in at number 31 … if I had scraped in, trust me, you would never have known about it hahaha

Here’s the link … clients, please ignore all the other photographers on there and keep coming back here LOL


I guess I should start blogging more to try and creep up the list, eh?

Top 100 wedding blogger

OK, I realise I have been neglecting you all, so I’m going to start drip feeding the blog to see if I can resuscitate it … I’m going to start small and think big …

I have been following baby Haydn since he was a week old … he is the gorgeous son of my friends Paul and Cassandra (Paul is a photographer who has worked with me a lot over the last 3 years or so) … Haydn is growing up at an alarming rate, now a bouncy 9 months old and ready to get walking any day soon!  I simply can’t believe where the time has gone.

As always, it was great to have all the guys stay up with us, we got to chill, I had Paul come on a shoot with me on Saturday morning, then we all stayed on at Shugborough Hall, had lunch, had a good old mooch around (Haydn particularly liked all the animals) then topped it off with a family shoot for them as part of Haydn’s Year In The Life series.

This one image stood out immediately … there is a beautiful old stone structure in the grounds, orange washed walls on the inside that look a little grungy, a particular favourite of mine.  We plonked Haydn on his own, with dad not too far away, just in case, but I wanted to isolate him and show how adorable he is … of course, this was helped by his totally cool outfit !!

So, here he is … cutey patooty !!!

Baby portrait photographer

All images Copyright 2025 Gill Taylor Photographer ... please don’t steal them, it’s not nice !