I am often asked if I do anything other than wedding photography … in order to keep myself fresh I do take on a limited number of portraits and, on occasion, other stuff too … this includes business headshots which can be used for a multitude of things.  I got contacted a few weeks ago by an ex groom of mine, Jamie, who is now running his own (very successful) gym equipment business.  He needed a few headshots for use on his website and in brochures.  But the main reason for this particular shoot was to get an image for a magazine article featuring him and his company !  Jamie confessed to being nervous about the shoot, but really relaxed the more we progressed.

We did all the usual images that would be suitable for an article, its pretty standard stuff and I know what these guys are after.  We had just about finished and I asked Jamie if I could take a shot for himself, actually, as a gift for his beautiful wife, Audrey … he obliged … and this is it …

I think you’ll agree this is a lovely, relaxed portrait, taken in my home proving that with the right light you can create portraits anywhere !

Thanks for looking … why not leave Jamie a nice comment 🙂

Stafford Portrait Photographer

Dear Blog …

I have been deserting you, I know.  Now, I have a million excuses, I really do, but the long and short of it is, I breathed life into you then left you abandoned, alone and empty (ok, bit of drama never hurt anyone).

I will totally make this up to you.  This summer was manic, in a great way.  I have had the pleasure of shooting some amazing people, whether at their wedding, their engagement session, with their families, the odd commercial shoot (not so keen on those, to be honest) … the list is endless … what’s that I hear you say?  You wouldn’t know cos you’ve not seen them?  I know, I know … they’re coming, I’m sorry.

So what HAVE I been up to … well, apart from the above mentioned shooting spree (that always sounds a bit wrong, doesn’t it?) I’ve been managing a house project that was in planning for a few years (boy, they don’t warn you how much of your time THAT will suck !!) and, well, I’ve had a bit of a medical drama these last few weeks … nothing that can happen again (you really do only have 1 set of appendix) but oh my goodness, knocked me sideways that one !  Then it was that annual event called “Birthday” … trying to ignore those these days … Oh and the annual trip to the National Wedding Show, 4 days of intensity, fun and meeting new people.

Apart from that, I have no excuse.  MUST.TRY.HARDER.  And I will … I’ll feed you soon, I promise.

Thanks for hanging around and staying alive !!

Your photographer, Gill x

AND TO MY AVID READERS … thank for hanging in there … I’ll make it up to you !!

All images Copyright 2024 Gill Taylor Photographer ... please don’t steal them, it’s not nice !